Thursday, October 3, 2013

Every day a bomb blew up!

We all feel like this sometimes
This was me! Every day a bomb would blow up, I may not know the time or the specific "BOMB", but I could count on it blowing and blowing BIG!

I was responsible for everything! I was made to fix everything! If I was not with my ex-husband my phone had to be by my side at all times. I couldn't even go to the bathroom without my phone because when he needed me for the next emergency I better be ready! You may think I am joking when I share with you the bombs that blew up every day, but I promise you I AM NOT!
  • If my ex was stopped by one of our customers during a job he would be furious and he would call me and say "Mr. Brooking tied me up for 7 minutes, so now I am behind and I need you to meet me at the next yard" (We owned a lawn business).
  • If he was stopped at too many traffic lights he would call me and say "I am behind! I got stuck at the traffic light for 3 minutes, so I need you to meet me at the next yard".
  • "I forgot my wallet, so now you need to meet me at the next yard". Then I would be working for the next several hours.
  • "The mower broke down. I need you to come here and get the trailer, drive back to the house and get the spare mower, bring me the mower, and then take the broken equipment to the repair shop". When he could have ran the broken equipment to the shop in 30 minutes it takes me two hours.  
  • "The tire went flat, so now I need you to come and work for a few hours because we are behind".
  • It rained for 30 minutes, so now I need you to come and work because we are behind".
  • "The help isn't working fast enough, so I am going to need you to come and help for a few hours".
  • "I had to leave to go to the bathroom, so now we are behind and I need you to come out and help".

This is just a drop in the bucket of the reasons he would call and need me; spur of the moment, to do something. And when he would call, he would literally time me to make sure I got there quick enough. I would either get the look "You made it in time" or "Oh boy, you are going to pay for this!!!".

Every single day there was some tragedy that made him angry, and when he was angry about something, and I had to fix it. The weather. The equipment. The traffic lights. The customers. The employees. He was tired. He was hot. Something every single day! As I look back on it now I can see it wasn't the events themselves that I needed to fix, it was that he needed to control my every move.


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