Wednesday, October 16, 2013

July 11, 2011 - The day I thought we were going to die!!

 Pioneer priests honored with new grave markers
I was afraid for our lives........

Tension had been building for months now. I had filed for a divorce in March, 4 months earlier, yet we were all still living in the same house. The day started out the same as any other day. My husband went to the gym early that morning, and while he was gone I came out of the bedroom to make his Gatorade to take to work. He came home, got ready for work, and left. I was unable to work outside because I was having a "Severe Type 3 Delayed Allergic Reaction" to the Remicade infusion therapy I had had a few months earlier; which of course caused major rage on his part since he couldn't control my day anymore.

Shortly after my husband left for work he called and asked me to get our son up and ready for work, as we were the owners of a lawn business, and this is where it all began! This was the day I thought he was going to kill me...

My son wouldn't get up!!! My husband called and I told him this; he was extremely angry and he was on his way home! On top of that, an employee had just told my son and I the week before that my husband was "about to blow", and he was "afraid for our lives"! So this rage terrified me; so much so that I called my attorney and told them that if something happened and I didn't call them back to call the police. My attorney recommended I get an Emergency Protection Order (EPO). I was terrified. I didn't know what to do. If I got the order it would make him even more furious!!

I remember standing on my deck in the hot sun, calling anyone I could think of, to ask for advice. EVERYONE said the same thing - GET AN EPO NOW!!!

So, I took my 9 year-old daughter to the court house and filed for the EPO. It was the scariest day of my life. Go figure my son would sneak the F350 truck out and flip it on its side while I was at the attorney's office. REALLY!!?? YES REALLY!!!! My phone rang at least 30 times over the next few hours while I was at the court house. My husband was livid!!! Unknowingly to me, he went to the bank and took all the money out of our accounts, ALL OF IT. He left with me nothing.

The Sheriff told us to not go home until they served him. My daughter (9) and I drove around for the next seven hours, for fear he would find us, until we finally went to a McDonald's were we sat in the parking lot. Finally, at 11:30 pm. the Sheriff called and said he was out of the house and it was safe to go home. I was exhausted and terrified. We got home at midnight and it was strange to say the least. He wasn't there. He wasn't waiting for us. We locked all the doors, turned on the lights, and turned on the RADIO!! Maybe now we could live in peace???

This was a Monday and the domestic violence hearing was that coming Friday the 15th of July, the second scariest day of my life. 

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