Tuesday, October 22, 2013

A life full of secrets - Target

We had just checked out at Target and he came up to us....

Things were really bad (Winter 2010). They had been, since I went back just a year ago (Winter 2009). In fact, things were so much worse. My daughter (8) and I stayed in the bedroom the entire time he was home for fear we would make him angry. We had even figured out if we hid food and water in there with us, we wouldn't have to leave the bedroom until he left the house.

So, as horrific as things were, still no one knew. No one knew how terrified we were. No one knew how isolated we were. No one knew that we were prisoners in our own house. NO ONE KNEW!

We had just checked out at Target and this man that my husband worked out with at the gym saw us. He walked over and proceeded to tell me how I was married to one of the best guys he has ever known! He went on and on about what a stand-up guy my husband was and how, in his whole life, he has only met a few people as kind, supportive, and compassionate as my husband. I was standing there wanting to SCREAM....
I Scream... If you try to scream, but no sound comes out, then it indicates your sense of helplessness and frustration in some situation.

He abuses us! He hates us! He is FURIOUS all the time! He controls our every move, and we are terrified!! YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHO THIS PERSON IS!!!!!!!!

I remember standing there feeling like I was literally, going to vomit on the man. 
I so desperately wanted someone to help us. 
I so desperately wanted someone to believe us.
I so desperately wanted to hear what really goes on behind closed doors in our home.....

Please "Like" me on my Facebook page @ Life Full of Secrets

or email me @ lifefullofsecrets2013@gmail.com

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